Beyond The Crime: A Psychological Analysis
"Beyond The Crime: A Psychological Analysis" is a riveting podcast led by Dr. Lars Madsen Shay Addison, and Dr Rob Brockman. Together, they delve into the minds of criminals, dissecting real-life cases to provide listeners with a unique and insightful exploration of the psychological aspects behind crimes. With expert analysis, captivating storytelling, and thought-provoking discussions, this podcast offers a deeper understanding of criminal motivations and behaviours, as well as the evolving landscape of forensic psychology and its role in the criminal justice system. Whether you're a true crime enthusiast, psychology lover, or simply intrigued by human behaviour, "Beyond The Crime" will captivate and enlighten you on the complex world of criminal minds.
Beyond The Crime: A Psychological Analysis
Behind The Screen: Exploring the Schema Modes of Child Exploitation Material Offenders
Dive into a compelling episode of 'Beyond The Crime' with Lars, Shay, and Rob as they discuss the pressing epidemic of Child Exploitation Material (CEM) offenders.
In this December episode, they examine the recent surge and explore the use of Schema Modes as a powerful tool to comprehend, confront, and prevent CEM offences.